Caraway Essential Oil

Caty Shwartz
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Caraway Essential Oil

Caraway Essential Oil

Caraway Essential Oil History:

Caraway essential oil, also known as cumin essential oil, is extracted from the seeds of the caraway plant, native to Asia and Central Europe. Caraway has a long history of use in traditional medicine.

Ancient Egyptian, Roman, and Greek civilizations used caraway for its medicinal properties. The Egyptians utilized it to stimulate digestion, while the Greeks and Romans used it to treat abdominal pain and digestive issues.

In the Middle Ages, caraway was a highly valued spice in Europe, where it was used to flavor foods and treat various ailments, including menstrual pain, digestive disorders, and respiratory problems.

Today, it is widely used in the food industry, perfumery, and alternative medicine. It is often used for its antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. It is also known for its digestive benefits, including stimulating appetite, relieving bloating and flatulence, and improving digestion overall.

Caraway essential oil is also used in cosmetics and skincare for its toning and firming properties. It can help improve blood circulation and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Product Information:

Name: Caraway Essential Oil

Origin: Germany, Balkans, Egypt, Netherlands, Scandinavia

Source: Seeds

Scent: Spicy, warm, and woody

Botanical Family: Apiaceae

Color: Amber yellow

Texture: Fluid


Price/Liter (TTC): 2,687.26 DH

Price/250ml (TTC): 739.09 DH


Ketones (45 to 58%) (L-carvone), Monoterpenes (26 to 47%) (Limonene)

Monoterpenols (2 to 6%) (Cis-carveol), traces of Coumarins (Herniarine)

Benefits of Caraway Essential Oil:

Combats bloating, colitis, indigestion, and intestinal spasms.

Aids in fat digestion.

Treats physical and mental fatigue.

Reduces stress, anxiety, and tension.


100% Pure, Natural, and Integral

Usage Recommendations:

Mix this oil with other oils or creams for topical use, or take orally by adding 2-3 drops.


Warning: Do not apply this oil directly to the skin.

Not recommended for pregnant women and children under 6 years old.

Keep out of reach of children!

Company Information:



Tel: +212 663 120 988

Address: 604 Lot al Massar, Route de Safi, 40100 Marrakech, MOROCCO


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